Since the first object was launched by man into space, the door to space exploration was opened, from there numerous missions have been carried out in order to explore a place still as unknown as the universe. But what will be the future of space exploration? How far can space exploration technology go in the future? In this narrative, about this topic, we will see how technology in space will evolve from now until the next hundreds, thousands and even millions of years into the future, and perhaps if humanity can survive the end of the universe.
Sometimes it is acceptable to think that reality is stranger than fiction".
The first arrivals of man to the natural satellite opened the beginning of the exploration of other bodies in person, this was an important step for humanity since for the first time the human being stepped on another body other than the Earth, from there it has been proposed in the future establish a colony on the Moon and for the first time begin to settle there without depending on the Earth. This is a door that the human being will open to expand to other worlds.
Futuristic space suit
In order to go out into space, it is essential to protect the body from external and strange environments such as space. Technologies are currently being carried out that allow the mobility of the human body in space missions, this allows new suits that allow the comfort of astronauts and facilitate tasks in space giving better ergonomics and comfort, it could be expected that this technology will last. for the next 100 years in the future since as innovative technologies are developed little by little we could change these suits to one that is better and better and adapt our body to new challenges in space.
2030 TO 2035
Supply Rocket
In the 21st century, with the return of man to the moon, new challenges and developments will arise to study the lunar soil and in the future be able to build the first lunar base that will begin the first colony on the moon. New and numerous launches will be carried out to carry supplies for the construction of the lunar base, and from there also install the launch platform that will manage more viable missions to explore the solar system and beyond, this with the great advantage that the moon has a lower gravity than that of the Earth, which makes it easier to launch ships from there, thus saving large costs in space exploration.
Future on the Moon
2035 TO 2045
Space Engineering
Once with the first space station established on the moon, the expansion project for a colony or perhaps to develop a first city on the natural satellite will begin to be carried out, it will undoubtedly be one of the most complex, expensive and challenging projects to which humanity has faced. In this period of time there will be a self-sustaining lunar colony or city where the first 100 humans outside of Earth will be able to live. This colony will have everything necessary to supply an entire community of people.
2045 TO 2050
Emerging Colony
A city has risen for the first time outside of Earth, where it will be self-sustaining for centuries to come or perhaps much longer. Now it only depends on humanity to be able to keep this first colony standing, where part of the resources are being supplied from Earth, until perhaps one day the colony can sustain itself one hundred percent. This will be a slow but sure process.
2050 TO 2060
Colonial expansion
During this decade, technologies will begin to be developed that allow generating own resources on the moon to sustain the colony without ever having to depend on the Earth for its supply. The expansion of this colony will demonstrate that after so much difficulty it is finally possible to colonize and inhabit other worlds or moons. The process of colonial expansion began to increase exponentially. With numerous facilities connecting the different domes, the first lunar city will be almost ready, where only a second small station in orbit will be installed that will be the direct communication system with the Moon and the Earth.
Lunar space station
By 2065 a lunar space station will be established in orbit, this will be very similar to the international space station as it will provide scientific equipment to carry out experiments in zero gravity, this station will also receive supplies from both the moon and the Earth and It will be in constant contact with the natural satellite and the Earth.
Finally, in the 70s of this twenty-first century, the first colony city outside of Earth will be born where it will be ready to receive the first residents from Earth, it will have the capacity to house the first 100 colonists from Earth and of different nationalities. , these colonists will initially remain for long stays of up to 1 year, in order to study the body in low gravity, they will be going back and forth between the moon and their space station in orbit, so they will never be able to return to Earth unless they an emergency occurs in the colony. These humans based on the moon will remain inhabiting the natural satellite their entire lives and the first new humans will even be born there.
Now we are in the era of technological advances, which allow us to emerge as the advanced civilization that we are; and now in space exploration, humanity has always planned to colonize Mars, but this only depends on how much life expectancy the planet can have. human race to not become extinct and to be able to establish the first cities on the neighboring planet".
Now with the exploration of space and the creation of the first lunar space colony, the freedom to explore space and be able to expand our borders beyond Earth has been definitively opened. The challenges that have been faced in the first lunar space colony some could be dealt with by planting a first colony on another planet only that some conditions would vary, such as the distance, size, gravity, temperature and atmosphere of the planet. This will be another great challenge to continue the expansion to other worlds.
Marian Suit
New challenges are coming now to improve space suits where they will increasingly be more pleasant and more comfortable, the time will come when in the distant future these suits will go down in history for being the ones that have marked milestones for humanity in their history. exploration of space and other worlds, there will also come a time when perhaps we can walk without these suits when terraforming is a reality on other worlds and habitability is safe.
Terraforming Mars
To be continue...
Johnnie Medrano