Every living being on the face of the Earth has a life cycle which must follow, being born, growing, reproducing and finally dying, but what happens after death? Where we go?. As soon as we die we stop existing and our body decomposes and disappears, but there is something that perhaps remains inactive and does not disappear completely, it is our consciousness, consciousness makes us know why we exist, but when we die, it probably becomes inactive, so We would not know that we are dead, in this state it is likely that it will take thousands and even millions of years for us to exist again, that is, to be reborn, this existence would no longer be on Earth, but possibly in a very remote place, in another galaxy or perhaps in another universe, outside of everything we know.
It is clear that when we are born or exist again, our consciousness returns, and we are again aware of our existence, but of course we could not remember the past, that we had already existed before, because our memory would be formatted to take on the ability to remember. new things in a new world.
This theory is acceptable from a reasonable and speculative point of view.
Already today there is talk of a second life. In the book of the Bible it talks about the resurrection, about a second life for human beings, but there is no mention of possessing a body to have it, but rather a soul.
This theory is a speculative way of explaining how a second life after death could be based on reasonable grounds being acceptable.
I do not believe that it can be considered that a being dies forever and millions of years pass and nothing happens, there is no more existence of that being, not even in another universe, and that its consciousness also dies forever.
The universe is infinite and the possibilities are unlimited so that many conditions can occur; The universe is 13.8 billion years old, and only the life of the human being occupies something very minimal within that period of time, to think that we will not exist again in another region of time.
Now it is more acceptable to think that the same being dies and possibly is reborn instead of that it can exist in several universes at the same time; just as the theory of parallel universes suggests.
Death is not what we think, death is simply the renewal and transformation of consciousness to be reborn in other complex structures somewhere in the universe."
Filters or Extinctions in Extrasolar Civilizations
There are different filters in each type of civilization, which, depending on their technology, face great challenges in being able to stay alive and advance to the next level of development.
Here is a classification of the reasons why they become extinct and cannot overcome the different filters that arise as their level of development increases:
Type 1 - Extinction by nuclear weapons, technology and global pollution.
Type 2 - Extinction by technology and decline of space colonies.
Type 3 - Extinction due to wars of civilizations, decline of space colonists.
Type 4 - Possible major collapse due to wars between civilizations.
Type of civilizations
Filters or Extinctions
1 Planetary
Nuclear weapons, technology, global pollution
2 Stellar
Technology, decay of space colonies
3 Galactic
Wars of civilizations, decline of space colonies
4 Universal
Wars between civilizations
Portals to other Universes
In the fabric of space-time there are all kinds of astrophysical phenomena that exist in the universe, but beyond the fabric of space there is another unknown universe that has not yet been discovered, so I would consider black holes as a portal to other universes, since there the fabric of space-time breaks, so we would leave our universe towards the unknown, and therefore we could reach another region of the cosmos that connects with another universe. The black holes that would connect with other universes would be those located in the center of galaxies since they have a mass enormous enough to generate a rupture in the fabric of space, perhaps in this way we can leave our universe.
The theory is based on the principles of special relativity where space-time is curved due to the presence of objects with mass.
The universe in all its complexity is extremely immense. But everything goes beyond our universe.
The theory of multiverses is more than acceptable, since when we talk about a truly infinite total amount of space, it is certain that there are multiple universes. I consider and hypothesize that these multiverses may be gravitationally grouped into clusters and superclusters, these could be concentrated there in a network of gravitational entanglement that expands throughout the cosmos, just as the cosmic network of galaxies is in the universe, where gravity exerts more force of attraction in some regions of the cosmos. This argument could only be given if, and only if, the total space is = ∞, otherwise it could be said that there is only one universe that with everything that exists and including its space is finite.
That is, the possible multiverses (m) would be grouped into clusters (c), which would be equal to an infinite total space TS∞.
This is the way I could prove that space is infinite, and that multiverses can be grouped into clusters and superclusters.
I base the theory on the principles of general relativity, where all bodies attract each other due to the force of gravity they exert.
The space is infinite, just as the possibilities are limitless."
Existence of Life in the Galaxy
Type of life
Probability of Existence
Cosmic Catastrophe Average
We know that the universe is a very dangerous place, since astrophysical phenomena are constantly occurring in some region of the vast cosmos, luckily the Earth is very far in space and time from these phenomena, but despite the distances it is not totally safe in our universe, since perhaps in a period of a long period they can occur as time passes. Regarding this, prepare a table in which the types of phenomena that threaten the Earth and the probabilities in which they occur in this time are shown.
Phenomena in order of occurrence Average in years % Approx. time. in what would happen
Meteorites one million 99
Asteroids one million 70
1.5 millions of years
Comets one million 15
6 millions of years
Supernovas one million 0.5
200 millions of years
Gamma ray bursts one million 0.01
10 billions of years
Black Holes one million 0.001
100 billions of years
God, a scientific entity, but not a religious god, does not have a human physical appearance and much less is visible, but of course he creates creation based on the laws of nature, since they are the only laws that he has governed, which Through it they form everything that exists.
We know very well that from every point of view everything has a creator, absolutely nothing emerged from nothing, electronic devices, cars, smartphones, robots and among others emerged from a creator called man, these objects had no particles or atoms that collided with each other, as if to say that they were created from nothing, it was only human ingenuity and creation from it, the same happens with the existence of an entity in the universe; The big bang had a source of creation which made the existence of the universe and life itself possible, and it is that something or someone.
Just think about the complexity of the perfect creation of the cosmos, the Earth and life itself, only one entity could have that principle that gave rise to creating so much complexity and the things so inexplicable that are for man, it is arrogant to think that only one particle has created the cosmos. If the universe had been created only from the fusion and collision of atoms, these atoms would not have a perfect order and would be unstable.
Now a great entity spread intelligence in complex beings that today study the cosmos and question their existence and who created them, it spread as a legacy throughout the cosmos in different places in space-time where whose planets host intelligent civilizations, they can think and believe in an entity like what happens here on Earth. I would consider that intelligent beings in other planetary systems and galaxies must also understand when they raise their gaze to the sky and ask themselves who caused that beginning and how they arose in themselves.
A clear example is a brown bear who observes that he saw a bird sinking in a pond of water, despite being a predator, he approaches the pond and carefully takes the bird with his jaws and takes it out of the pond, after which the bear looks at the bird and then leaves. This is a synonym for help between different species, it is a natural instinct, without the need for a manual or "bible" on how to tell a predator like the bear to have compassion for the bird and not eat it when taking it out of the pond.
I believe in a scientific entity, but not in a religious god, the only laws of the entity behind the cosmos are the laws of nature, and these same laws incorporate the instinct to love and help other species above all." the face of the Earth without needing to have a manual or "bible" of life that tells how to do it, it is only natural instinct that comes in our DNA, it is the laws of nature that are programmed in a being so that it has goodness , love and cooperation towards other species".
In the universe there are all types of stars, from the smallest to the most infinitely massive, each time discoveries have led us to find more and more massive stars, which suggests that there is no limit to the size found in a star, the most Massive are the red or yellow hypergiants that are about 5,000 million times larger than the sun, and at the end of their life cycles they end up exploding as hypernovae. Currently, the largest star discovered so far has been found, it is the Westerlund hypergiant with a size of 7000 million suns. Regarding this and the speculations that I have been making about stars, I have formulated a name for those stars that can be more massive than Westerlund, these would be ultragiants, with a mass much higher than 7,000 million suns, said explosion of these stars would occur as ultranovae, explosions that had never been seen in a star in the history of the cosmos.
Quantifiable Equation
Number of Intelligent Civilizations
Based on some personal research data, I made the equation with the different averages and variables to take into account in order to find intelligent civilizations in the galaxy, I call this equation the Quantifiable Equation, since when we talk about quantifying we are referring to finding calculations of something.
The different variables show their meaning:
NS= stars in the galaxy
SS= number of stable stars (somewhat or equally similar to the sun)
SP= stable stars that have planetary systems
HP= planets located in the ecosphere of their star (habitable zone of the star)
PL= planets that develop life
IL= planets that develop intelligent life
IT= intelligent life with the technology to communicate across the galaxy
D= durability, civilizations that still exist
NS x SS ÷ SP x HP x PL ÷ IL ÷ IT = D
200.000 m. x20% 1/3 x2 x33% x0.1/10 1/3 x0.01/10 40.000 m. 13.333 m. 26.666 m. 8.799 m. 87 m. 29 m.=29.000
m. = millions possible intelligent civilizations in the galaxy
In the formation of rocky bodies in the cosmos we see how some bodies that orbit planets inside and outside star systems fail to form spherically enough to be considered moons, as are several asteroids that orbit planets, since they are not spherical, they are not They would be classified as moons, but rather as space rocks. This category of bodies should be considered Protomoons since they do not show a completely complete formation that identifies them as moons, but rather as rocks or asteroids; In the case of Mars, which has two non-spherical bodies that orbit in its gravitational field, such as Phobos and Deimos, these would be protomoons due to their physical characteristics.
When we talk about the term extraterrestrial, we are referring to beings that live outside of Earth, but in the same solar system:
Extra = Outside
Terrestrial = Earth Extraterrestrial = Outside Earth
This applies to microbial or complex life (extraterrestrial animals).
We apply the term extrasolar in the same way, but to beings outside the solar system, such as complex and intelligent microbial life.
Extra = Out
Solar = Sun Extrasolar = Out Sun
If in the future we were to find life outside the solar system, these would be extrasolar beings but not extraterrestrials.
Type of Extrasolar Civilizations
As we well know, the universe can be full of intelligent beings, it is enough to observe us to know that we are an example of this, there may be some equally or more advanced than our civilization.
Intelligent beings are civilizations that stand out for creating tools from the world around them. For example, we can see the cavemen who discovered fire to be able to receive heat from it, heat their food and have the ability to create hunting and defense tools. , this civilization is the beginning of the capacity for the development of intelligence and technology with which we have advanced to be what we are today, a global and innovative civilization in all aspects of science and technology.
Humanity, a civilization located at 0.73 in development level.
The range between years varies according to the capacity with which they develop technology
Planetary Type 1
They harness the energy of an entire planet, build megacities, develop advances in science and technology, and manage interplanetary travel
Hundreds of Years
Stellar Type 2
They extract energy from their star system, develop space colonies, create ships powered by plasma and antimatter, develop interstellar travel, colonize planets between stars
Thousands of Years
Galactic Type 3
They transport themselves between galaxies, they take advantage of much of the energy of their host galaxy, they travel in space-time
Millions of Years
Universal Type 3
They travel throughout the universe and exploit much of its energy
Billions of Years
Multiversal Type 4
They move in possible multiverses, dominate and manage the energy of the entire cosmos
The Age of the Cosmos
Deity Type 6
Possible creators of universes and multiverses
Johnnie Medrano