Life in the cosmos is a great mystery, but despite this it is highly probable, the statistics speak for themselves to be able to find forms of life so varied that we can find them in four specific forms, microbial, complex, intelligent and even and in extreme cases forms of life so evolved that they can become cybernetic organisms of millions of years of evolution. In the exhibition of this great hall of conservation of extrasolar life we will see different forms of life which are highly probable to exist right now in the cosmos, as well as we will see their genotypes, physical-genetic aspect and how they could adapt to their planet and mother star.
Wherever you look, the cosmos is a hive of life. The raw numbers speak for themselves. However pessimistic we may be, it is inevitable to think that we are alone in a universe full of infinite possibilities."
Microbial Life
This may be very common in the universe, as these extremophile microorganisms can withstand extreme environments and even the vacuum and radiation of space. These microbes could exist on a large number of planets, including gaseous ones, so they are life forms that easily adapt to their environment. These simple life forms are the type of life that would be the most abundant in the cosmos.
Bioluminescent Membrane
This bioluminescent membrane has evolved to adapt to a planet with little or total darkness, it is in itself a membrane that contains a colony of microorganisms which generate their own light through chemical bonds to adapt to an aquatic or subterranean bioluminescent ecosystem, they could be a type of bacteria where their process of existence is reduced to a millionth of a second, where they die and are born at the same time to replace the loss of a member of the colony, it may be a process that is generated to supply an entire ecosystem where microbes generate energy for the environmental surroundings of the planet, millions of these would be scattered around their mother planet thus supplying extraterrestrial ecosystems from its membrane.
Energy Bacteria
Here is a life form that has adapted to an unusual environment, it is in a gas cloud of a gas planet. These bacteria feed on the gaseous atmosphere of their planet, carrying out an energy renewal cycle in the clouds that host them, producing and recycling energy that benefits both the planet's atmosphere and themselves. Billions of these bacteria would be in the planet's atmosphere since they are part of it. Without these bacteria, the production of hydrogen and helium on the planet would not be possible.
Sanctuary Planets
Potentially habitable worlds
Terrestrial Colony
A structural complex is formed in this colony of microbes in which they are responsible for supplying energy to the colony on which they depend, there they manufacture, consume their food and create their nests, the color tone of this complex colony is due to the star in which their planet orbits gives off infrared light being a red dwarf star, these microbes adapt to be able to receive the scarce light from their star and thus be able to carry out the chemical-biological processes to sustain their colony, these microorganisms could be found dispersed on the surface of the rocky planet which they inhabit, a planet that could be less than 100 light years from Earth.
This may not be so common in the cosmos, since this type of life are plants, organisms that are slightly sensitive to extreme changes, so we would find this type of plant life on planets with a stable atmosphere where these organisms can adapt regardless of the type of star that illuminates their planet since they would obtain energy from it.
Filamentous Plants
Plants with fine filaments rise on a planet found in the habitable zone of its star, their hue reveals colorful colors that reveal that its parent star is a blue supergiant from which they absorb its energy to carry out photosynthesis through chemical-biological processes that give rise to the pigment of these fine filaments, blue, violet and pink shades predominate more in this extrasolar ecosystem. It is acceptable that plant life here does not last long since the life expectancy of a planet orbiting a blue supergiant star does not exceed more than 10 million years.
Tree Specimen
Gravity is a factor that influences the development of several species of plants, in this case we find a species of tree that lives on a planet whose gravity is high, which allows plants with thick, slightly weak branches to develop because these trees require enough strength to support themselves, this photosynthetic organism itself fights with the gravity of its planet to remain stable, which causes the tree to be born and grow sideways, this being its final structure. The pigment in its trunk and branches reveals that it receives light from a yellow dwarf star in which the plants display their vivid colors due to the chemical-biological process that it generates with the energy of its parent star.
Providers and Destroyers of Life
Space rocks
Bioluminescent Vegetation
In a very remote place in the galaxy we find a planet that orbits an orange dwarf star, this planet has certain peculiarities when found in the habitable zone of its host star, the planet only gives one face to its star which leads it to develop life in the dark zone, this type of life is vegetal in a very specific way, when found in the dark zone of the planet, the plants have developed bioluminescence which allows them to shine in the dark zone of their planet creating a bioluminescent ecosystem. Bioluminescent plants feed on small particles that come from the wind from the illuminated zone of the planet bringing a rich energy supplied by the star from the illuminated side. To maintain plant life at an adequate temperature the planet has a stable atmosphere.
Extrasolar Ecosystems
Paradises of life
Dark Plants
A red dwarf star illuminates a tidally locked planet, this planet always faces its star which leads to half of the planet being illuminated and the other being completely dark, this reveals that there are high temperatures in the illuminated area and low temperatures in the area of permanent darkness, there on the penumbra side is the area of the temperate planet where plant life would be developing, plants with a dark pigment due to their photosynthesis absorbing infrared light from their star, which leads to them being dark in color, these plants are adapted to absorb infrared light and radiation from their star without being affected, their biological systems are adapted to absorb this type of radiant energy and generate their own chemistry to survive.
On an average solar-type main sequence star, there are ocean planets whose surface is surrounded by a vast ocean of water that envelops the entire planet, the plant biodiversity of this world would be wide, since they would house aquatic and subaquatic plants, which leads to it being a world rich in oceanic biodiversity, the plants in this world have evolved to adapt to their environment and thrive. This is the case of these swamps that would be scattered throughout the planet along with some mangroves which depend on the light from their central star to carry out the photosynthetic processes together with the water of the oceans generating a dark turquoise color to the waters of the planet.
Complex Life
Complex organisms; extraterrestrial animals, are a very specific and somewhat strange type of life, since these life forms are not at all common in the universe and if we find them we would find them on habitable planets with certain specifications required for these organisms to thrive.
Aquatic Specimen
An aquatic organism has evolved on an ocean planet with high gravity, this specimen with a considerable size has developed a complex body that allows it to navigate the depths of the oceans in search of food to sustain a body as enormous as the one it has, this specimen has developed numerous and large fins that allow it to easily transport itself through the ocean waters, this being a great and unique predator on a planet found in the habitable zone of a yellow subgiant star.
Lake Shell
On a terrestrial type planet we find large lakes that sculpt the entire planet along its surface, in these there lives an aquatic organism in the shape of a shell which feeds mainly on algae and other aquatic plants which it absorbs and reach its mouth by means of pieces of particles, as it does not have limbs this organism is transported by means of maritime currents that are generated by the tides that its moon provides to the planet, the extrasolar organism reproduces by itself like the other species on this planet, evolution has made the species that inhabit the planet reproduce autonomously being hermaphrodites.
Types of Skulls
Extrasolar animal species
Mammal Species
A large moon orbits a gas planet in a star system where its central star is an orange dwarf that provides energy to the system, this system has developed multicellular life on the moon that orbits the gas giant. This organism is a mammalian specimen that has not developed fur on its body but has thin skin in charge of receiving the heat from its star to regulate the temperature of its body along with its rear fin that it has to carry out this process, despite the fact that the organism is large in size, it has thin legs that give it stability and support the low gravity of the moon, the extrasolar animal feeds on violet-colored grasslands found in its habitat.
Genus of Mollusk
This organism has developed on an ocean planet that allows it to move around the globe from pole to pole reaching its frozen oceans found at the northern and southern ends of the planet, the giant animal has developed a body that is adapted to travel long distances across the planet, having an efficient propulsion system found in its extremities, the extrasolar organism has a giant shell in which it takes refuge to hibernate for long periods of time, its considerable size has allowed it to be the dominant predator in the waters of the planet being an extrasolar species located at the top of the food chain.
Tipos de especies
Evolution of some species according to their planet of origin
Terrestrial Organism
In a star system a red dwarf illuminates a terrestrial planet found at the edge of the habitable zone. This planet has developed multicellular life. One of its organisms is a species of terrestrial animal that has developed a robust body that makes it resistant to attacks by predators. This terrestrial organism is herbivorous and feeds on dry grass that falls from bushes. Its skin tone is due to the fact that it is adapted to receive energy and infrared light given off by the central star of its star system. In this star system these species have evolved, which are of three genera, being compatible with each other for their reproduction.
Underground Seashell
A planet wanders aimlessly through the cosmos, having been expelled from its system millions of years ago as a result of the death of its mother star. This cold and inert planet seems to harbor no life, but in the depths of its surface there is a small hidden frozen sea that houses a kind of round shell that easily adapts to hostile environments, since its planet still retains a small part of the heat of its core that allows the sea of water it contains not to freeze completely. This round shell-shaped creature has evolved to be able to receive food from all directions in a complete 360-degree direction, which through its holes absorbs the nutrient particles it obtains from the underground sea and from this it maintains its food cycle. It is an organism that grows its food. At the moment its body excretes fecal matter, it falls into the depths of the sea and grows food through the fertilizer that is necessary for its sustenance. Both the ecosystem in which it lives and the organism itself share nutrients that benefit them. being of great vitality for the extrasolar ecosystem.
Evolution of Eyes
Development according to the planet where the species have evolved
Extremophile Specimen
A strange species has evolved on a natural satellite orbiting a gas giant. The satellite or moon has lakes and seas of hydrocarbons, mostly methane and ethane. Within these seas of hydrocarbons lives an elongated specimen with long limbs that allow it to navigate the chemical seas, from which it benefits, since through its skin it absorbs a large part of the chemicals in the sea, being its great source of food for an alien body and adapted to a biology very different from other species in the cosmos. This organism is the only species that inhabits this world, so it has no predators, but in the future a global extinction will possibly wipe it off the face of this moon, to make way for new species and a much more diverse home in extrasolar fauna and flora.
Intelligent Life
As we know it seems to be very rare in the universe, since until now the only example of intelligence that exists is the human race on the face of the cosmos, this type of life may be possible since there are currently numerous planets where a civilization can develop and prosper based on its great intelligence to transform the environment, intelligent life if it exists could be very scarce in the cosmos since for this type of life to emerge on a planet it requires certain environmental and evolutionary factors.
Being Extrasolar
A planet requires an age of 4.5 billion years or more and certain evolutionary factors for some intelligent species to have evolved to transform its environment based on intelligence; these extrasolar beings could be somewhat similar to us, except with some genetic differences that would make them different from us, these intelligent species could share 80 to 90 percent of DNA with ours, since they could be related to us and possibly their biology is compatible with ours, finally their physical, genetic and evolutionary appearance will only be defined by the planet where they have evolved; so we do not know yet, but one thing is clear, humanity is not the only intelligent species that inhabits the face of the cosmos.
Extragalactic Being
A race of extrasolar beings has risen on a planet found in the Canis Major galaxy, this species has a somewhat strange appearance due to the planet where they have evolved, their skin is grayish in color adapted to resist the light of their host star, being on a planet with low gravity, their body is elongated and quite tall exceeding two meters on average, this being has limbs that are essential both for its movement and for holding tools, along its body including its face it has extra skin that hangs from its body that allows it to regulate its temperature according to the conditions of the external environment, this species is of three genders, being compatible with each other for reproduction. The extrasolar species has a developed brain which has allowed it to create and transform its environment until it can become a type 3 civilization and surpass the technological level being a peaceful intergalactic species.
Extraterrestrial Physical Appearance
Apparent physique in limbs and torso
Prehistoric Extrasolar Being
This extrasolar being has evolved on a planet with high gravity, which allows it to have a huge and robust body that being so large allows it to move slowly around the planet, its hump is due to the enormous weight of its body must fight with the gravity of the planet, so it takes a somewhat hunched posture, and its skin tone reveals dark colors since its star is a red subgiant which its skin has adapted to take this type of red light giving itself a dark color; Currently its species is in the prehistoric age, being a civilization that has so far begun to develop first tools for hunting and creating burrows of its species, they are currently at a technological level of 0.1, its brain is no more developed than a caveman of the ancient age, these prehistoric intelligent extrasolar beings would be more than likely to exist in greater numbers than other more advanced and evolved intelligent civilizations, being a species of intelligent beings more likely to be found in the cosmos.
Intelligent Artificial Life
Artificial life forms, are extremely rare life forms in the universe but not less possible to exist, these would be civilizations of millions of years of evolution, these would have developed and advanced so much, that now their biological bodies would have been replaced by cyborg bodies that make them superintelligent, self-replicating and immortal machines, these civilizations would possess such advanced technology that they would obtain the ability to colonize an entire galaxy with self-replicating robot probes and take advantage of its resources being a type 3 civilization, its territory would cover hundreds of thousands of light years in space-time.
For this artificial being to have existed, millions of years of evolution had to pass and a cycle that went from bacteria to complex and intelligent beings that transfer and replace their bodies with cyborg machines, this artificial being has evolved and is adapted to possess its own consciousness and have the ability to create cyborgs until forming a super civilization that colonizes other worlds and the galaxy based on artificial intelligence possessing a level of supreme intelligence, its physical aspects would vary since these artificial beings would modify their bodies according to their needs opting for various forms including the humanoid, these types of artificial beings would be extremely rare in the cosmos since very few civilizations become artificial due to the filters they have to pass in their development and evolution, but no matter how pessimistic we are there will always be a numerical value that tells us that they exist.
Could we be compatible with extraterrestrial life?
Life in the universe may be so common, estimates suggest that we are not alone in the vast cosmos, now we could think about what these extraterrestrial beings might be like. By evolving in different places in the cosmos and on different planets they could have a biology somewhat different from ours, just as it happens here on Earth between different species, but, if we all come from the big bang we could share some DNA with our relatives in the cosmos, at least 5%, after all I do not think they are completely foreign to our biology, since all the elements that were formed here on Earth and that are present in life, were formed from the big bang which could suggest that there are only certain elements that can sustain life throughout the cosmos. By contacting them we could share part of the DNA for scientific purposes, thus knowing more about extraterrestrial genetics, after all I do not consider that extraterrestrial beings are going to be very different both in their physical and genetic appearance.
The reason we haven't found life outside of Earth is because the universe is very big, the distances are very long, and we are very small."
Johnnie Medrano