J O H N N I E   M E D R A N O



Intelligent life in the universe may be more common than one might think, since in the current universe there are countless galaxies, each with hundreds of thousands of stars like our sun and planets that orbit them, which leads to The existence of these extrasolar beings is highly probable, but what could they be like? Our relatives in the cosmos could be very related to us both physically and genetically, except with some small differences depending on the planet on which they have evolved, this suggests that there could be a high physical and genetic compatibility almost in its entirety. Now the hypotheses of intelligent beings of unknown appearance should be discarded, as well as intelligent beings with more than four limbs and exaggerated features, this specific selection drafts the physical truth of their existence, now we can think that they could be more familiar and perhaps their genetics may be compatible with ours, it is only a question that at some remote time we can find them and discover their greatest mysteries as the intelligent extrasolar beings that they are. After all even aliens come from stardust just like us.

With such a large universe I can guarantee that in some region of the cosmos there is life, and the question would no longer be, if we are alone, but rather, where they are."  

Everything in the universe varies in space and time, which is why in different regions of time events of creation and destruction occur in various stars, planetary systems and galaxies in the universe. The cosmos is in constant activity and development, and with this we can also think of life that possibly follows a cycle of development, we could say that right now there are forms of life in constant evolution and that some may perhaps be extinct due to different events. cosmic. When we think about intelligent life, it also follows a cycle in which civilizations can be found in development or prehistoric, pre-industrial, industrial ages or possibly in a modern era equal to or superior to ours, these events are possible in different regions of time in how much we talk on cosmic scales. We live in a universe where everything is possible with the passage of time and perhaps at some point in which we can visit an extrasolar or extragalactic planet we can find evidence of complex or intelligent life in various forms of development or perhaps its ruins and fossils. proving that they once existed there.

Universal Temporal Variability 

Development of life in the Universe

Types of life





Now we know that humanity is a short time away from being able to take the first human to Mars in the coming years, this would be the first great advance to be able to carry out interplanetary trips with people on board, in which, beyond being able to get there to study the planet, is the power to plant humanity there in the future. This advance requires many factors to take into account where, beyond creating a space base, it is being able to have adequate technology to be able to start planting the first plants in a greenhouse that protects them from the outside environment on Mars, as well as the planting of food, and the installation of shelters for the astronauts who are there. But we know that humanity plans to go far, with this ambitious project in a distant period of time it is proposed to terraform the planet, where through carbon dioxide emissions generated by component factories, they expel this chemical that heats the skies. of the planet with the help of the sun, to be able to regulate its temperature to a climate more similar to that of the Earth, and also to be able to have an adequate temperature suitable enough to be able to melt ice and form lakes, seas and rivers at 30% of the surface of the planet, and on the other remaining one, the planting of trees is carried out which are responsible for supplying oxygen to the atmosphere of Mars and thus being able to restore the planet being fertile to be habitable by the first colony, just as it happened when Columbus arrived with his ships to America, some time later they colonized it and settled there in order to bring the first Europeans to America; Likewise will be the arrival of humans on Mars, and possibly in the future, with advanced technology we can build the first cities, becoming a type 2 civilization. Now it is only a question of how long the human race can last over the course of the years. coming centuries to achieve something like this of astronomical dimension.

We are now in the era of technological advances, which allow us to emerge as the advanced civilization that we are; and now in space exploration, humanity has always planned to colonize Mars, but this only depends on how much life expectancy the human race can have in order not to become extinct and to be able to establish the first cities on the neighboring planet."  

The universe is an incalculable place, since only until recently it was believed that the universe had approximately 200 billion galaxies, now we know that the universe is larger than what was estimated, with 2 billion galaxies, it is possible to think that the Space may be larger than the universe and more universes may exist in it, possibly universes that may be grouped in clusters and superclusters, after all the universe and space itself are still unknown places.

An Infinity Space  

All History




Time will always be there so that through it we can observe the past and present of the universe. Now we know the behavior of stars in order to know what the future of the cosmos is. After spending millions of years on a cosmic scale, we will see activity in the galaxy, thousands of stars will exhaust their energy reserves and explode as supernovae, annihilating all life forms that existed near those stars, which will lead to the extinction of the planets due to the explosion. After another thousands of years the gas of the stellar and planetary nebulae will condense and they will disappear in the vacuum of space, the only thing we could see in that remote time would be the black holes, the white and red dwarfs in the galaxies. that obtain a duration of 100 billion years, only the possible civilizations that could survive the cataclysm of their stars would be planted on a planet close to the dwarf stars trying to survive with the energy they obtain until the end of time, but Even so, there in the future little by little the most durable stars in the universe will go out, the holes will condense and the galaxies will expand throughout the cosmos after an eternity of time to give rise to a cold and empty universe where everyone is found. astrophysical phenomena and life itself. extinct, possibly this occurs in order to give rise to a new creation, a new universe. Perhaps the universe is an endless cycle where it is born and dies as a natural process of its own existence.

The universe is infinite, just as the possibilities are limitless."   

In universal temporal variability we see how life and things arise in various temporal space-time regions, including life. Regarding this, I emphasize the hypothesis that the microorganisms that are present right now in the universe will not always continue living as microorganisms, but rather that in millions of years they will sooner or later reach advanced intelligence. This would also apply to complex beings or extraterrestrial animals. It should be noted that at that time, life on Earth may have become extinct.

Now, if microbial life were found under the surface of Mars, they would be in the course of a primitive evolution to be able to reach advanced intelligence such as the human race in millions of years. We must know that in millions of years the sun will go through a red giant phase, so Mars may be habitable after all and the environment may be suitable for possible life forms existing there to evolve. In conclusion, the destiny of microbial and complex life forms is intelligent life.

The Course of Microbial Life

Extrasolar Ecosystems

 According to spectral type




Since man has begun to explore space, he has increasingly aspired to go further, thinking of one day being able to completely migrate from Earth to settle in a new world, which may be a neighboring planet, an extrasolar planet or an artificial planet. Now we begin to question the advances in space technology and time frames to achieve these goals. The biggest challenge in being able to achieve these projects is the type of technology we currently have, and what can be within our reach now, and taken for granted. If the life expectancy of the human race were like the animal species that lived in the past for millions of years, in that period of time and with sufficient advanced technology, only in less than 20 million years would the human race have the enough time to be able to live on an artificial planet, built by itself, where all ecosystems are adaptable for its inhabitants, having an atmosphere rich in oxygen that generates climates like those on Earth, mountains, seas, rivers, and cities in a world that can be self-sustaining with the technologies that may emerge in millions of years, but to reach this type of spatial advance. First, man must begin by building the first spatial habitat in order to understand both animal and plant behaviors within an environment unknown to life. Now what is a product of science fiction can be closer to the reality in which we live, just as a space rocket would be for a caveman.

 Will humanity exist long enough to reach that level of technology?

The existence of an entity in the universe is more than evidenced in creation, in the amazing design of living organisms, they are a great example of a supreme creation. Even there, the order and complexity of the universe and its wonderful phenomena have a foundation of reason for existing, therefore, it is arrogant that things are created and disappear from nothing, without something or someone to cause them. That entity, being a universal creator, could probably have managed life in various regions of the universe, where they may be the same or different from life here on Earth, a rich biodiversity of species from other worlds, where more than one genesis occurred. where life begins.

So the theory of a universal genesis is respectable, taking into account an entity that leads everything that exists, from the molecules that give rise to life, to possible multiverses, all under the control at the will of a deity.

Now, going beyond what any theory can hypothesize, I consider that the power of an intelligent mind in individuals was managed to understand why, and why, the existence of life, peace and union between species, as well as what It is here on Earth, only on whose planets that host intelligent beings, after all I believe that this is not only like an experiment here on Earth but perhaps it is also one in the entire universe, for those extrasolar intelligent beings that They are living in some region of the universe in x or y galaxy, or in our own Milky Way. They can also believe in someone who created them, since it is a logical, rational and more than acceptable principle.

An God and a Universal Genesis

Extraterrestrial Organisms 

Hypothetical Animals 





Millions of years have passed since the last mass extinction occurred that wiped out 90% of living species including dinosaurs. These cataclysms seem to occur in ranges of millions of years, thus giving the possibility that new surviving species may be able to survive. emerge in new environments, and thus life can recover and overpopulate the globe in thousands of years. It seems that despite the five mass extinctions that occurred in the past, life has been able to recover, and return to normal, with survival being a strange phenomenon in situations that led almost to the limit of the total extinction of life without that it would never appear again on the face of the Earth. Today, in the 21st century, we see how humanity has prospered since the first men appeared 5 million years ago.

We usually live our lives calmly, but we are not yet excepted from what may happen from one moment to the next. Millions of years have passed since the last cataclysm, so that we are probably close to another one occurring, perhaps in the same way. Threats come from space, from different bodies such as asteroids, comets and probably supernovae, being the types of catastrophic phenomena most likely to occur. In our solar system alone there are hundreds of thousands of asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, this probability being the most possible to occur with an average of 70% per million years. Comets are very distant bodies and are smaller in number than comets. asteroids, which would represent a 15% probability per million years, taking into account that, only if its orbit trajectory is altered by another body, it can change its trajectory in the direction of our planet and end up colliding. The supernova option would only occur if there are stars close to our solar system that are about to collapse or end their life cycle, which if said collapse explosion would be generated, the shock wave would impact the Earth with intense radiation, destroying Thus, everything that is in it, and including life, fortunately there is not, or so far does not exist, a star so close and in such a situation as to be able to represent a danger to the Earth.

Now we ourselves can be the threat or danger for our species and the Earth, we have contaminated the planet so much in recent years that now the Earth is overheated by the types of gases that are concentrated in the atmosphere, this generates alterations in the climates, and that rains are scarce or abundant, environmental disasters arising at a constant rate, if this persists without any solution, all reserves, both of water, grass and life will expire and perhaps never exist, being the end of humanity. a slow but sure pace. But the most dangerous potential that humanity has generated is nuclear weapons, with a power of devastating destruction. If humanity is intelligent enough not to use them, we will continue living until a natural phenomenon, whether on Earth or the space will extinguish us, but if we use them we will end up self-destructing ourselves, due to wars between world powers.

 How much life expectancy will the human race have?,  Will we live like the ancient forms of life that existed for millions of years?,  Will we progress as a civilization? 

The Big Bang, that explosion that gave rise to the universe. But was it really from an explosion that the universe originated?

Observations have revealed that all the energy originated from a single point, but the way in which this energy was dispersed is still unknown. The best known theory that this dispersion originated was through an explosion. But from the physical-natural point of view it is truly acceptable that a great expansion of matter caused by the energy concentrated at the initial point of that dispersion. It is acceptable that the universe had expanded due to the matter and energy concentrated in a single point, instead of having exploded since the origin of a universe will never be obtained from an explosion, this is as if from the explosion of a supernova would give rise to a planetary system where planets and life itself would arise.

Violent Phenomena

Some types of massive stars collapse in a very peculiar way, where when they exhaust their energy reserves they explode and expel two jets of high energy radiation towards their sides, all this energy is equivalent to the energy produced by the sun in its entire existence, This being one of the most violent phenomena in the universe. It would represent a great threat to planetary systems that were less than 100 light years away, since it would bathe them in intense radiation, thus pulverizing their atmospheres and thus extinguishing all life.

The energy concentrated in these bodies is so enormous that they are capable of controlling an entire galaxy, this being the most powerful type of phenomenon in the universe, since there nothing can escape its enormous gravity, not even light. Any object that is adsorbed by its enormous gravity will be disintegrated into millions of particles that disintegrate inside, there we could find fragments of disintegrated planets, since these bodies are capable of engulfing even entire stars no matter how massive they are.

These types of stars are the result of the collapse of massive stars, and in their core a small star of a few kilometers ends up forming, generating flickers in its light as a result of the enormous energy it contains. In this type of stars there are pulsating planets but due to the enormous radiation they give off and their light sequences, they could never be habitable planets or even for microbial life, since they are very violent stars in their activity.

             LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE 

Life in the universe seems to be a mystery, since until now we do not know if it can only arise here on Earth, even so far we are still alone in the cosmos until we can really find company somewhere in the universe, we have not yet. we know for sure. Only now do we have to hypothesize its existence based on the study of life on Earth. We know that all organisms on the planet are perfectly adapted to the ecosystems that surround them, whether in dry or polar environments. This allows us to know that an organism cannot be suitable to live in all places on Earth, but only one. specifically and that is the one to which the species adapt best. Only now can we study microorganisms as possible candidates to be found in some region of the cosmos, since some of these creatures adapt well to various extreme environments. Only life can spread in different places in the universe. If an asteroid falls on a planet that hosts a diversity of species and causes a large impact, pulverizing the surface and sending rocks into space as a result of the impact, these rocks that harbor resistant soil microorganisms will be thrown into the air. space and travel through it, so that in hundreds, thousands or perhaps millions of years they fall on other worlds in the form of meteorites, thus piercing the atmosphere and entering it, so that finally a rock with a load of microorganisms falls to the surface. that can fertilize the planet and raise life there, in a process spread like a chain reaction through the galaxies that provide stars and planets. Perhaps this was the way the Earth was fertilized in the past, with microorganisms that had come from other distant worlds so that the creation of life could be managed. Only someone gave the beginning for life to occur both here on Earth and possibly in other places in the universe. 

No matter where you look, the cosmos is a hive of life, the raw numbers speak for themselves, no matter how pessimistic we want to be, it is inevitable to think that we are alone in a universe full of infinite possibilities." 

 In molecular clouds or stellar nebulae, a great variety of objects are formed, from entire galaxies to small meteorites, these being large clouds of entire factories that contain all the appropriate elements that form and give rise to everything that exists in the universe today. , including life. There stars are born and die, galaxies merge, new planets emerge, and life thrives, and they are still active, in the formation of the universe, from the past to the present and future, new astrophysical phenomena appearing. 

Massive Giants

Cycle 10 - 20 millions of years 



At the moment when a star begins to form from a stellar nebula, its mass is gravitationally compressed, so that at an average temperature of 10 million degrees it forms a sphere of incandescent gases surrounded by stellar material, forming a protoplanetary disk or a protostar, some time later, the gases and dust that surround the star disperse and disappear to have formed a complete star. After a period of a few million years, some stars that have enough matter begin to form planets, asteroids, moons and star dust as a result of the stellar remains that will give rise to a planetary system. After a period of 10,000 million years, the star will die and exhaust its reserves of hydrogen and helium, and expands like a red giant, becoming 300 times larger than usual, so that after that stage, its gases will become They dissipate through space, becoming a planetary nebula, in which the debris of a dead star is reflected; Millions of years later, a small star called a white dwarf forms in its center and will last for billions of years. This will be the same stage that the sun will go through in a period of 5,000 million years, since its current age is 4,600 million years.

Supermassive stars with a very short life stage do not go through protostars because they do not form planets, but rather they are born once to form stars, so that when they reach the stage of their death as red supergiants they explode as supernovae or hypernovae depending on their mass, such that after that they are compressed in their immense gravity to form pulsars or black holes. On the contrary, low-mass stars such as red and white dwarfs are long-lived and can exist up to 10 times longer than an average star. They can also form planets like a medium-mass star because they have the same formation process. birth to an average star, finally its death will be very, very slow and silent in a process of shutdown and energy depletion, ending as a black dwarf.

Can we appreciate the death of the sun for that remote time?  o Was humanity extinct by the time the big event occurred? 

Our spiral galaxy, of average size and approximately 10 billion years old, moves through the universe with a regular direction and movement, as it interacts with the gravity of other galaxies. The closest Andromeda will act gravitationally so that in 2000 million years it ends up merging with the Milky Way and together they form a larger and more massive galaxy, this will be the Lactomeda galaxy, and it is stipulated that it will have an average of 400 thousand to 500 billion of stars.

At the moment when stars die, they go through the red giant phase, some time later, they leave traces of their existence in the form of gases dispersed through space, becoming a planetary nebula, where their outer layers are colder than the that are close to its core, after millions of years it will begin to disintegrate to form a white dwarf star in its core that will remain there for eons.

History of the Universe 

All history 


The cosmos is a very dangerous place since there is activity of different astrophysical phenomena, which implies a great threat to bodies that are close to them, as is the case with planets.

The most common bodies that represent threats are asteroids and meteorites, since they are constantly traveling through space in search of another body to collide, these bodies are the most constant threat to planets, any rose with a planet or collision with Another asteroid could alter the orbit of this rock, so that later it could head and collide with a planet. Now we can know that comets travel through space in a certain orbit in which only if it is altered by another body can it end up changing its trajectory and collide with another body, as was the case of the comet that collided with Jupiter.

Phenomena with more physical activity represent a greater danger although they are usually distant. Stars are bodies that have so much energy that at the end of their life cycle they end up exploding as supernovas or hypernovas, releasing enormous amounts of energy, such that any planetary system that was close to the star would end up affected due to the explosion, but still There are bodies with more energy power that exist in our galaxy, these are black holes, they have so much mass and such enormous gravity that they are capable of engulfing entire stars, as well as everything in their path.

Now we know that gamma ray bursts are a type of star that explodes by sending two axes of light and radioactive energy to the sides, these would be lethal, since if they reached a planet that was less than 800 light years away they would hit it. a strong bath of radiation, pulverizing and exterminating any type of life that was there.

Wherever we are, the cosmos is a very dangerous place, since there is constantly physical activity in bodies and phenomena, fortunately the Earth is now saved from such cataclysms of great magnitude, although in the past the Earth and life have could survive the events that happened, where 65 million years ago an asteroid collided with our planet, but this was not the most serious event that occurred, we must remember that more than 400 million years ago a star close to our system exploded solar and as a consequence bathed the Earth with radioactive energy, extinguishing the Ordovician-Silurian species.

Taking into account that the existence of intelligent life in Comos is very likely. 

Can the longest-lived civilizations in the universe survive such cataclysms?

Cosmic rays that travel from space reach the poles of the planets that have magnetic fields and an atmosphere and enter it, which interact with the low temperatures that occur there, thus generating an aurora borealis in the north and austral lights in the south. , some gaseous planets can present this phenomenon since they have a magnetic field and at the same time a stable atmosphere.

Some moons in the cosmos may not seem like dead satellites since both internal and external activity can be present in them, this is the case of some satellites of our star system, these present internal and external activity being a product of gravitational interaction with the giant planets. of gas, it can also be generated with extrasolar moons that have this type of activity, we could find vulcano moons like Io, which contains numerous volcanoes, we could find icy moons like Europa and Enceladus that could store enormous oceans under their surface and even life, It is considered not only to search for life on extrasolar planets, since it can spread and even on satellites of planets.



Outside of Earth we can share extrasolar environments, which may well be both similar and strange, just depending on which star the planets orbit, we can know what type of possible ecosystem we can find in them, we know that our mother star is a star. type G2, that is, an average yellow star, which through it generates both life and the ecosystems that provide it, therefore here on Earth the vegetation is given green due to the energy of the sun, which through reactions Chemicals like photosynthesis allow green pigment into the ecosystem. A planet whose parent star is a type M red dwarf, which gives off infrared energy, would present a very different ecosystem from that of Earth, since this planet would receive very weak energy from its star, therefore the vegetation on this planet could be plants. black in color because the rays of its star are infrared, which would allow ecosystems such as deserts with few darkly pigmented plants and which may also contain ecosystems with fungi, the size of trees. 

Do we really discover paradises of life outside our planet that we can call a second home?

Star clusters, superclusters and hyperclusters are generated because energy and gravity are concentrated more over the regions where star formation occurs most in the stellar clouds of galaxies.

           HUMAN RACE 

For the human race to have sufficiently evolved, and become what we are today, a type 1 intelligent civilization, it has required an average of 4 billion years of evolution, since the first microorganisms sat on Earth.

We are still evolving, just as the universe does, but it is even more disturbing how technology in its different aspects has been able to innovate on a larger scale, in such a short time. In space exploration alone we have sent dozens of space probes, telescopes, shuttles, and robots to explore space, these technological tools being increasingly innovative and advanced, now we know that our civilization will take two of the next steps for humanity , these will be the arrival of man to Mars and the discovery of life in our solar system, but if we look to the future, in a longer period of time, the human race will have reached incomprehensible advances and is increasingly closer to moving to the other scale of civilization in technological advancement, 1, currently we take advantage of the energy of our star, that of our planet, we play with nuclear energy for the survival of our cities, we build metropolises with the largest skyscrapers and we explore space, The next stage towards the advancement of our community here on Earth would be the journey to the stars and planetary systems, harnessing the energy of the sun on a large scale and building the first ships powered by plasma and antimatter, and possibly traveling in time, Of course, to achieve this, at least a few decades or perhaps centuries will have to pass. This depends on how quickly technology is developing. Now we could deduce that the most technological advance that humanity can achieve will be built in millions of years. It would be a first ecosystem on an artificial ring-shaped planet where life can be sustained. This would only happen if the life expectancy of humanity can reach millions of years to be able to manage it. Let us remember that for a caveman A space rocket at that time was only a thing of science fiction, and this now is what happens with us and the advances in science for the present and future.

As a planetary civilization that we are, I only hope that we learn to manage our world, and that we realize our mistakes, only then will we be prepared to enter the stars to find new worlds and our brothers in the cosmos." 

In our own solar system we can begin to find the first forms of life, these would occur on the active moons of the gas giants as well as what has happened with the first candidate for life, Europa, this satellite has become a potential to harbor life, but it has also been discovered that other active moons such as Enceladus and Triton also share the same environments for life, where these bodies have chemical activity inside their crusts, thus generating geysers either in an ocean hidden under its crust or on its surface, thus releasing quantities of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen and water vapor material, these being the main elements that generate life, we still do not know if there will actually be organisms in these extraterrestrial environments, But the most likely thing is that if the same components are shared here on Earth, it is most appropriate that there may now be organisms swimming in the oceans of some moons that orbit gaseous planets.

 Candidates for Life


As we know, so far there are three moons in the solar system that may be potentially suitable for life, these are Europa, Enceladus and Triton which orbit planets such as Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, these lunar worlds share almost the same characteristics and behaviors as They occur here on Earth, under the ocean floor in the abyssal regions where the temperatures are very low since not even a ray of sunlight reaches it, which means that the animals that live in this habitat have to live under these conditions. . The same happens with these icy bodies that share very common characteristics, such as the chemical substances that cause hydrothermal vents, which expel gases and other elements responsible for being the main components for life. These satellites may have the capacity to house everything from microbes to complex organisms which will have to adapt to an environment of total darkness. Therefore, these organisms may have bioluminescent invertebrate bodies that allow them to be visible in the darkness of the ocean, their survival does not exist. It would be a problem since these animals would be protected by a thick crust of ice that would separate the sea from the vacuum of space, thus being a type of atmosphere that would protect these species from radiation and cosmic rays.

Perhaps right now life could be just around the corner in our cosmic neighborhood, in the solar system, the three candidate satellites for life mean that the possibilities have increased which makes it increasingly more likely to at least find organisms swimming in the seas under the crusts of Europa, Enceladus and Triton; something that seems so mysterious and intriguing to me is there, waiting to be discovered, the discovery of life is just a thread away from our curiosity to find it". 

Johnnie Medrano
